Do you possess poor BAD CHEST GENETICS, rendering useless any and all efforts you do to develop an attractive chest? It’s true that one of the most difficult lessons in life is that life isn’t always fair. Genetics is one of the many aspects of our existence over which we have no control. We are literally defined by our genetic makeup, which is entirely influenced by the genetics of our parents, unless you’re a subject in a scientific experiment.


Do you have terrible chest genetics, making all of your efforts to produce a gorgeous chest useless? It’s true that learning that life isn’t always fair is one of life’s most challenging lessons. One of the many facets of our existence that we have no control over is genetics. Unless you’re a participant in a scientific experiment for BAD CHEST GENETICS, our genetic make-up—which is fully influenced by the genetics of our parents—defines us in literal terms.


Since it practically acts as a buzz kill, it’s nearly not even enjoyable to read about the huge influence genetics play in elite athletes


Different muscle fibre types that make up our muscles each have their own advantages and drawbacks. Type I, Type IIa, and Type IIb muscular fibres make up this group for BAD CHEST GENETICS . From smallest to largest, least fatigable to most fatigable, and least force production to most force production, they are listed in this sequence.

Type I: The smallest size, least fatigability, and lowest force production

Type IIa: Large Force Production, Medium Size, Moderate Fatigability

Type IIb :Largest Size, Most Fatigable, and Most Forceful Production

Although the description of the various fibre types above is relatively rudimentary, the conclusion is clear: various muscle fibres are better suited for particular tasks. However, the capacity of muscular fibres to expand is what matters most in terms of bodybuilding. Type II fibres can grow far more easily than Type I fibres, which makes them more responsive to hypertrophy training. This implies that a muscle with a higher proportion of Type II muscular fibres will have more growth potential.

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Some guys’ pectoral muscles will appear to be separated from one another, while others’ pecs will appear to be touching. One of two causes could be the case for BAD CHEST GENETICS; both are solvable, but one is simply more challenging.

1) A Genetic Problem: 

The first problem is genetic in nature and resembles the situation described above with the insertion of the bicep. The problem with this situation, though, is where the pectorals come from. Both pectorals originate on either side of the sternum, and they extend outward around the body. If the origin is located further out on the side of the sternum, that may result in a gap. The result will be that the muscles won’t touch in the middle of you for bed chest genetics. When compared to a set of pectorals with their origins pressed up against one another, there is no space.

2) You Need To Sleeper For A Completer Chest:

To develop a fuller chest, you may simply need to train your chest more effectively with a variety of activities. It’s possible that you skipped using multiple chest exercises to strike from different angles and provide diverse stimulation. As a result, the centre of the chest hasn’t been aroused as much as the other areas.

Fixing A Chest Gap:

The same response applies to both of the aforementioned questions, which is to simply enhance your training. The main distinction is that if your gap is inherited, you will need to work significantly harder to close it. However, based on how wide the gap is, it might never be completely filled.

The idea is to adopt a programme with a variety of chest exercises that allow the chest to be pounded from different angles. We’ll go through some chest-specific exercises below for BAD CHEST GENETICS.


Male sex hormone testosterone is what makes men, well, men. Although you are likely well aware of this, many men still appear to underestimate the impact that testosterone has on the entire body for bed chest genetics. Or simply don’t give it any thought. It certainly does—a lot.


Numerous issues in men can result from low testosterone levels, including:

  • Diminished muscular mass
  • Challenges in gaining muscle
  • Decreased strength
  • Higher body fat percentages
  • Increased fatigability
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All of them are bad for training and can either directly or indirectly result in inadequate chest growth. Nevertheless, research has revealed that genetics account for a significant portion of your serum testosterone levels (65%) and free testosterone levels (53%).

Your T-Levels Can Be Decreased By:

  • Aging
  • Smoking
  • Abnormal drinking
  • Sleep hygiene issues
  • Consuming fatty food
  • Being inactive enough

How to Increase T-Levels

Participate in a gradual overload resistance training programme. Use all rep ranges and work out hard as well; this is the greatest approach to raise your T-levels naturally.

  • Get enough rest.
  • Avoid excessive drinking
  • Reduce or stop smoking
  • Adopt a balanced diet.

In essence, all the cliché elements of an unhealthy lifestyle contribute to low T levels, while all the cliché elements of a healthy living contribute to higher T levels for BAD CHEST GENETICS.

Who would have guessed?

You could speak with a specialist about testosterone replacement therapy if you already do these things but your levels are still low. Take this seriously and consult a specialist because it will significantly alter the situation. Fortunately, there are many options and the stigma surrounding testosterone therapy for males has lessened significantly. Do your research.


The mysterious “hard gainer”. When discussing hard gainers—those who have a really difficult time gaining weight—almost every strength coach goes through the same process. At first, they claim that’s absurd, it doesn’t exist, and the majority of hard gainers just aren’t eating enough or exercising appropriately. And a large percentage of lifters declare themselves to be hard gainers, so this is definitely true.

Finally, they come across a man who exercises hard to BAD CHEST GENETICS, eats like a horse, and just does not gain weight. Additionally, there are a wide variety of lifters that fall on every end of the “eating enough” to “a true hard gainer” spectrum.

Track Your Calories: 

As was previously noted, many people who struggle to acquire weight believe they are “stuffing their faces” when they are not. This is comparable to the men who gain weight despite claiming to merely consume 2,500 calories a day when they actually consume 3,500. Even though you may think you’re eating 3,500 calories, you’re actually only consuming 2,500. As a result, the solution is the same: measure your calories to discover how much you’re consuming precisely and make adjustments.

You will need to eat more, and then possibly even more, if you discover that you are eating “enough” (more accurately, how much you think you are eating), but not gaining weight. After that, perhaps accept the truth that you will never be a mass killer.  We’ve encountered a few guys who are like this; we’ve actually lived with them and seen what they eat, which is enough to make us feel sick, but they just don’t develop.

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There are some pharmaceutical treatments that can be helpful, but you’ll need to speak to a specialist if you’re actually eating enough and still not gaining weight.


Whatever your problems may be, there is one thing you can adjust to maximise what you already have. To change your workout routine to emphasise your chest.

1) Increase Your Training Volume And Frequency: 

The main factor in constructing muscle mass is training volume; more training equals greater outcomes. Most people should train a muscle group twice a week because research has shown that this gives the BAD CHEST GENETICS while allowing for recuperation for bed chest genetics.

However, you could require more if you are having trouble adding muscular bulk to your chest. To allow for more high-quality volume, we recommend increasing your exercise frequency up to three times per week. This might just entail finishing your leg day with some chest flys.

2) Use The Complete Rep Band (And Pay Attention):

Use the full rep range while you train. And by everything, we mean:

  • 95% of heavy singles
  • 15+ sets of endurance
  • The typical 8–12 reps at 75–80%
  • EMOMs
  • Almost everything

In any case, we advise the majority of people to do this to make sure their chest muscles receive a balanced stimulus. However, if you have poor genetics, you can discover that your body reacts better to a particular rep range than others. Depending on the composition of the muscle fibres, it has been suggested in the past that the muscle will respond better to a varied rep range. Although this doesn’t seem to be true at all, you realise that certain people do react significantly differently to various stimuli after engaging in strength training for a while. So keep an eye out and observe what transpires.

3) Select the Best Exercises: 

You might also give some better chest-building exercises a shot. You might require some really particular chest exercises because you’re having trouble building the muscle. This contains some workouts you may already be practising with some minor adjustments and some solitary practise.

Bench press comes to mind when most people think of the “best chest exercises.” They’re accurate that it’s a great exercise, but it’s not really the best for building chest strength. In actuality, because the elbows are tucked to the side, the bench press is far more of a tricep movement. You’ll discover why that’s bad for the chest in a second.

This removes or greatly reduces the anterior deltoid’s participation, allowing the chest to take control. Additionally, as was already indicated, this increases transverse shoulder adduction. These two effects when combined can greatly energise the chest muscles.

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