How Can I Get Rid of Throat Phlegm? The Top 10 Home Remedies

What causes throat phlegm?

A small amount of mucus in the airways helps shield and hydrate the tissues. When someone is unwell, they may experience phlegm in the back of the throat. The respiratory system and lungs create it. As long as it is produced in moderation, mucus is a beneficial thing.

To protect the respiratory system, mucus moistens the membranes in the mouth,

  • Nose
  • Throat
  • Sinuses
  • Lungs

The mucus is thin when the body is healthy. Dust, allergens, and viruses are eventually prevented from entering the respiratory tract by the throat’s stickiness, which traps them. However, when someone is ill, the mucus thickens and causes discomfort.

Why does the throat have phlegm?

Phlegm production can become excessive in some long-term illnesses such cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or asthma, which can cause congestion. Additionally, sinusitis, a cold, allergies, breathing in smoke, or exposure to pollution are all potential causes of this.

How can you get phlegm out of your throat?

10 natural methods for removing mucus and phlegm from the throat

Phlegm and mucus can be entirely removed from the throat with some potent natural therapies for how to get rid of feeling of mucus stuck in throat. The following are some natural cures for phlegm:

1) Salt water gargling


Gargling can also quickly assist in the elimination of phlegm. This helps get rid of any leftover mucous and calms an irritable throat. Gargle frequently with warm water and one teaspoon of salt.

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2) The use of a humidifier


Small equipment called humidifiers provide moisture to the air to stop throat and nose drying. The nasal airways and throat are more likely to become irritated by dry air, which leads to the creation of thicker mucus. Therefore, using a humidifier will gradually moisturise the nose and throat, lowering mucus production.

3) Taking a steamy shower and breathing it in


The mucus in the throat can be loosened and thinned out by the steam from a hot shower. Verify that the water is the proper temperature. It should be warm but not scorching. Take a hot shower, then sit back, relax, and breathe deeply. Facial steams as well as showers can have the same result. To feel better, try this once or twice a day. You can add some essential oils to the water to break up the mucus for further advantages.

4) humming to loosen the mucus


In rare cases, leaving phlegm untreated for an extended period of time might cause the phlegm in the throat to solidify. By vibrating the throat, humming can effectively break up phlegm. In the absence of a sore throat, this works better. So, hum your preferred tune for a few minutes. Take a few sips of water after that, which should help to clear your throat.

5) How to treat phlegm at home with medication

Vapour rubs– Contain the active ingredients menthol, camphor, and eucalyptus oil. Although they don’t solve the issue, vapour rubs assist in providing discomfort relief. To allow the vapour to enter the nose and mouth, rub it over the throat and chest.


Decongestants: These drugs function by constricting the blood vessels that widen the airways. Among decongestants, pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine are the two most popular varieties. The mucus dries up as air moves through the nasal passages.

Nasal rinses or sprays- Can help to clear the sinuses and nose of mucus and allergies. Select sterile sprays that only have sodium chloride in them.

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Expectorants: This class of medication works by clearing your system of mucus. Guaifenesin is one such instance. It has a similar effect as breathing in steam.

6) Hold your head high.


Keep your head raised to prevent mucus from building up in your throat. To avoid the accumulation of phlegm in the throat when sleeping, one might use additional pillows or sleep in a chair.

7) Avoid eating things that can cause indigestion.


Phlegm in the throat can get worse if you eat items that can lead to acid reflux, heartburn, or burning in the throat. So, stay away from foods that can aggravate acid reflux symptoms. Taking the following foods will most likely cause the phlegm to gather more:fried, fatty foods, carbonated beverages, citrus fruits, alcohol, mint, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and spicy foods.

8) Avoid being around smoke.


When the vocal chords are dry, more phlegm and mucus are produced, which helps to moisten the throat. Therefore, it is important to stop smoking as this behaviour can result in throat dryness. As a result, phlegm may worsen. Additionally, if you don’t smoke, ask people not to smoke near you or move away if someone is.

9) Avoid dairy products.


Although it may seem unbelievable, it is true that consuming dairy products while experiencing throat phlegm can cause it to thicken. Dairy causes the body to generate more mucus, which is why. You can temporarily switch to low-fat or no-fat options since they are less likely to cause the mucus to become thick.

10) Avoid coming into contact with irritants including allergies, odours, and dangerous substances.


The airways can become irritated by irritants like paint fumes, cleaning products, and other chemicals, which can then cause the body to generate more mucus. The respiratory system may be harmed by this. Limit your exposure to such irritants or chemicals if you frequently experience such allergies. You can also use a face mask or remain in a place with good ventilation.

Cayenne or chilli peppers, which are spicy foods that contain capsaicin, can aid in clearing the mucus.

  • Root licorice
  • Berries
  • Echinacea
  • Ginseng
  • Pomegranate
  • Aguavero tea
  • Foods rich in zinc
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Phlegm in the throat might, however, still continue despite getting enough rest and using home remedies. If the issue is severe, continues, or does not get better, it can be a sign of something more serious. Consult a doctor if you encounter any of the following symptoms to ensure an accurate diagnosis:

  • Excessive phlegm accumulation in the throat
  • Any other symptoms

How to clear your throat of phlegm

In general, strive to avoid hacking. Additionally, avoid the impulse to frequently clear your throat to get rid of throat mucus.

Try the following coughing method to assist get rid of phlegm instead.

What brings on phlegm?

Our bodies require a certain amount of mucus, but too much can be uncomfortable. There are several reasons why you could cough up too much mucus.

Most frequently, an increase in phlegm production is an immunological response to a respiratory infection (like the common cold).

In order to catch and expel an influx of infection-spreading invaders, for instance, your body must work harder when you have a cold19, but other causes of phlegm include an allergic reaction or a reaction to some sort of irritant in your airways.

This might involve exposure to cigarette smoke or coming into contact with an allergy, for instance. Phlegm production is another symptom of asthma in some people, and it can occasionally point to a more serious illness.


Compared to the mucus made in your nasal passages, phlegm is thicker and stickier.

Phlegm production that is excessive is frequently a sign of a respiratory infection.

A pollutant or allergen exposure may also cause your body to create more of this mucus.

The last word

In this post, we’ve covered both the causes of excess throat mucus and various methods for getting rid of it. This included dietary suggestions as well as other techniques for putting the breaks on mucus production that was out of control.

But how can you prevent future phlegm production? A cold-like infection is most frequently to blame for excessive mucus production. Giving your immune system the finest help it can get to fight off infection is perhaps the most obvious solution to the question of how to minimise phlegm.

Many of the anti-mucus foods we listed above are excellent building blocks for a strong immune system. But if you doubt that your diet will provide you with the nutrition you require Why not read our article on boosting your immune system on your own?

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