How To Immediately Start Periods If Delayed?

Do you have any questions about how to obtain your period right away if it is Periods  delayed? It’s not just you. At some point in their lives, many women have monthly delays, which can be upsetting and distressing. But don’t panic, there are strategies to restart your menstruation. We have you covered whether it be through natural means or medical intervention.

We’ll look at some of the best strategies to start getting periods right away in this article. So continue reading if you’re ready to restore your menstrual cycle to normality.

Why do you get irregular periods?

Amenorrhea, commonly known as delayed periods, can have a variety of causes. Typical causes include:


Missed periods are most frequently caused by pregnancy. To rule out pregnancy if you are sexually active and have missed a period, you must take a pregnancy test.

Stress can alter hormone levels in the body and interfere with the menstrual cycle.

Weight Changes

Rapid weight fluctuations might affect hormone levels, which can lead to irregular or delayed periods.


Some conditions, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and thyroid abnormalities, might interfere with the menstrual cycle and postpone periods.


Some medicines, such as antipsychotics or birth control pills, might disrupt the menstrual cycle and postpone periods.


As women near menopause, their periods may start to become erratic and then stop completely.

If you want to know how to get periods promptly because you have irregular menstrual cycles or delayed periods, you must speak with a healthcare professional for a suitable diagnosis and course of action.

How Can I Start Periods Right Away?

There are many methods by which you can period right away if delayed. There are several methods to obtain periods right away, including:

  • Yoga,
  • home remedies,
  • lifestyle adjustments
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Home Treatments to Start Periods Right Away

To control menstrual cycles and naturally induce menstruation, a number of home treatments can be utilised. It’s crucial to remember that these treatments might not be effective for everyone and should not be used in place of medical care. how to get periods immediately if delayed. Here is a list of a few efficient natural techniques to start having periods right away.


Spices like cumin have long been employed to trigger menstruation and control menstrual cycles. It is thought to mimic oestrogen and stimulate the uterus, which can assist initiate menstruation.

Consuming cumin tea is one method of using the herb to trigger menstruation. Add 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds to a cup of boiling water to make cumin tea.

After 10 minutes of steeping, strain and enjoy. It is advised to drink this tea for two to three days prior to the anticipated start of menstruation.


The best natural method for pre-period prepone is papaya. Raw papaya causes uterine contractions and can aid in bringing on a period. Papaya’s carotene causes the oestrogen hormone to be produced, which causes early periods and can help you induce periods over night.

Papaya can be eaten raw or sliced twice daily. Papaya juice can also be ingested. You can eat two bowls of fresh, ripe papaya or one cup of papaya juice throughout the day.


The most potent herb with magical properties is ginger tea, which increases menstruation by promoting menstrual flow. Ginger makes things hotter, which encourages uterine contractions.

Ginger can be ingested as raw ginger with honey, fresh ginger juice with honey, or tea.

For a few days prior to your anticipated date, drinking a cup of fresh ginger juice mixed with water (2:1) in the morning on an empty stomach can be helpful.

For delayed durations, a mixture of ginger tea and parsley is also highly advised.


Herbs like parsley have long been used to trigger menstruation and control menstrual cycles. It’s said to have elements that can activate the uterus and trigger menstruation.

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By drinking parsley tea, it is possible to stimulate menstruation with parsley. One tablespoon of freshly chopped parsley should be added to a cup of boiling water to produce parsley tea.

After 10 minutes of steeping, strain and enjoy. It is advised to drink this tea for two to three days prior to the anticipated start of menstruation.

Seeds of carom

Carom seeds, also known as ajwain, are thought to possess abilities that can induce menstrual bleeding. It has a long history of usage as an emmenagogue, a drug that can assist initiate or control menstruation, in Ayurvedic medicine.

It is believed to function by encouraging blood flow to the uterus and aiding in the relaxation of the pelvic muscles.

Consume a glass of water with one teaspoon of carom seeds and one teaspoon of jaggery on an empty stomach in the morning.

Caraway seeds

Fennel seeds are thought to contain phytoestrogens that can stimulate the uterus and increase blood flow to the pelvic region, which may assist to trigger menstruation. Fennel seed extract may have oestrogen-like actions on the body, which may assist to regulate the menstrual cycle, according to certain research.

Fennel seeds should be combined with water in a glass and left overnight. Strain the water through a strainer, then drink it the next morning.

Seeds for fenugreek

Consuming fenugreek seeds to start your period should only be done with a doctor’s approval.

Fenugreek seeds can be consumed in a variety of ways, such as:

Drenched seeds

2–3 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds should be soaked in water overnight. Drain the seeds, then eat them first thing in the morning without food.

Crushed seeds

Additionally, fenugreek seeds can be pulverised and eaten. The powder can be taken daily at a recommended amount of 1-2 tablespoons, either combined with water or added to food.

Tea made from fenugreek seeds Boil a cup of water with 1-2 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds for 10-15 minutes. Twice day, strain the tea and drink it.

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Aliments high in vitamin C

Ascorbic acid, another name for vitamin C, is a necessary nutrient that affects a variety of biological functions, including the control of the menstrual cycle.

According to studies, eating foods high in vitamin C may encourage menstruation by raising the production of oestrogen, a hormone involved in controlling the menstrual cycle.

Vitamin C can also assist to reduce inflammation in the body, which may help to regulate the menstrual cycle. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant.

Yoga Poses to Start Periods Right Away

Some yoga asanas, or postures, are thought to encourage menstruation and help regulate the menstrual cycle. These poses can encourage blood flow to the pelvic region, which can aid in promoting uterine lining shedding and triggering menstruation. Additionally, these postures can aid in pelvic muscular relaxation, which may aid in promoting menstrual bleeding.

To help you with your inquiry regarding starting to have periods right away and maintaining a regular period cycle, here is a list of the top yoga positions.

Changes to Your Lifestyle to Start Periods Right Away

You may be able to have periods overnight with a few lifestyle adjustments that can help you control your menstrual cycle. These consist of:

Preserving a healthy weight

Your menstrual cycle can be thrown off if you’re underweight or overweight, which will result in irregular periods.

Exercise frequently

Your menstrual cycle can be controlled by regular exercise, which also benefits your general health. However, excessive activity or regular high-intensity exercise can interfere with your menstrual cycle.

Getting sufficient rest

Your menstrual cycle may be impacted by sleep deprivation or poor sleep quality.

Lowering stress

Your menstrual cycle may be affected by stress, leading to irregular periods. Stress-relieving exercises like mindfulness meditation or relaxation techniques may assist in regulating your menstrual period.

Having a balanced diet:

Your menstrual cycle may be more easily controlled by eating a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and low in processed foods.


Many women have irregular menstrual cycles, which, depending on the underlying cause, can have a direct or indirect impact on their day-to-day lives. The blog post mentioned above discusses a number of natural treatments and additional ways to start periods early. You can absolutely receive your periods on time and prevent other health issues by combining exercise and a balanced diet.

You can speak with the professionals at  Healthkeet if you still have questions or experience irregular periods. Your delayed period’s causes and every viable treatment option will be explained to you by our highly qualified medical staff.

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