Cons of Regular Lemon Water Consumption

We are all aware of the health advantages of drinking lemon water. But is everyday consumption of lemon water okay?

Vitamin C, a substance that aids in the growth and repair of biological tissues, is abundant in lemons. Although an excessive amount of vitamin C is unlikely to be dangerous, it is also not advised.

Anything in excess is harmful, especially when it comes to our nutrients. Making sure the body receives the right nutrients is important for maintaining good health.

What Impacts Your Body Does Lemon Water Have?

You might benefit from drinking water with freshly squeezed lemon. Vitamin C and other chemical compounds found in abundance in lemon water help strengthen your immune system, stave off infections, and enhance iron absorption.

Vitamin helps to build collagen, which improves the condition of your skin. It also helps you burn fat and lose weight. Boost your metabolism while also increasing your moisture.     Both kidney stones and gout can be prevented.

But it’s important to consume lime or lemon water as your body requires.

Cons of Regular Lemon Water Consumption

A healthy body requires a balanced diet. It provides your body with the right nutrients, ensuring that it continues to function at its best. You’ll be more prone to illness, infection, weariness, and subpar performance if you don’t follow a balanced diet for disadvantages of drinking lemon water daily.

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In actuality, we should also drink water in moderation. When the body’s electrolyte balance is out of whack, hyponatremia can result, which can be fatal.

Similar to this, we shouldn’t have lemon water every day. Anything in excess is damaging to the body. The following are some important drawbacks of drinking lemon water every day:

Lemon Water

Lemon water might make you feel sick

If you struggle with acidity, drinking lemon water every day may give you stomach issues. Lemon juice should be regarded as acidic rather than alkaline because of its undeniably low pH. Lemon juice is 10,000–100,000 times more acidic than water, with a pH of 2-3.

Teeth Can Be Damaged by Lemon Water

Lemon juice is an acidic beverage, so if you consume large amounts of it on a daily basis, you’ll begin to lose natural tooth tissue (enamel and dentine), a condition known as erosive tooth surface loss (or tooth wear). This progressive, months-long process can have unfavorable effects (sensitivity, unappealing appearance, and loss of dental function) if it is not prevented.

Canker sores may result from lemon water.

Canker sores are ulcers that appear inside the mouth, typically on the cheeks or just below the tongue. They are typically brought on by acidic or spicy foods.

Citric acid content in lemon water is high. The acidity of lemon water may cause or exacerbate canker sores. A lot of lemon water can aggravate canker sores, even though they often heal on their own in a week or two. When you speak or eat, you might experience discomfort.

Lemon water may result in headaches.

One drawback of drinking lemon water daily is that it can cause migraines and headaches. Citrus fruits can give you a headache or migraine.

Some people may experience migraines if they consume too much lemon water. This is due to tyramine’s presence in citrus fruits.

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Canker sores may result from lemon water.

Canker sores are ulcers that appear inside the mouth, typically on the cheeks or just below the tongue. They are typically brought on by acidic or spicy foods.

Citric acid content in lemon water is high. The acidity of lemon water may cause or exacerbate canker sores. A lot of lemon water can aggravate canker sores, even though they often heal on their own in a week or two. When you speak or eat, you might experience discomfort.

Lemon water may result in headaches.

One drawback of drinking lemon water daily is that it can cause migraines and headaches. Citrus fruits can give you a headache or migraine.

Some people may experience migraines if they consume too much lemon water. This is due to tyramine’s presence in citrus fruits.

How much lemon water must one to consume each day?

Using the juice of two to three lemons (about four to six tablespoons), experts advise drinking one or two glasses of lemon water with meals and one glass in between them. You do not need to add lemon to every glass of water you consume, though.

Like anything else in life, having too much of something is never a good thing. (other than happiness)

Increased vitamin C use can be harmful, leading to gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea and cramping. Kidney stones and severe gout attacks can both be facilitated by extra vitamin C because it is converted to oxalate in the body.

Drink your lemon juice sparingly if you have any of the disorders stated or are at risk for them. You should only drink lemonade two or three times a week at most.

Does Your Lemon Water Need Honey?

Honey lemon water is one of the best juice taste combinations out there.

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It’s possibly the most flavorful detox beverage.

Honey is antibacterial and has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and antioxidant qualities that are good for your health.

Let’s say you have an upper respiratory infection or a head cold. In such scenario, a concoction of hot water, fresh lemon juice, and honey will soothe a sore throat while assisting your immune system in fighting the infection, whether it be bacterial or viral.

It can help with weight loss when ingested on an empty stomach. However, people with excessive blood sugar should avoid it due to its high sugar and calorie content. It is therefore preferable to consume it in moderation.

Do you need to consume lemon water before bed?

Yes, it helps you sleep better, stay hydrated, boosts your immunity, helps with digestion, and lifts your spirits. It is also acidic, so remember to brush your teeth after 15 to 20 minutes. Test a tiny amount beforehand to make sure it won’t create any difficulty if you have any stomach difficulties.

Do you need to consume lemon water before bed?

If you drink lemon water first thing in the morning, you won’t experience any serious side effects. Experts claim that drinking warm lemon water every day on an empty stomach would help you stay hydrated and replenish any nutrients you may have lost.

On the other hand, if used frequently, lemon water can lead to acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Furthermore, avoid brushing your teeth straight away after consuming lemon water. Please wait at least one hour. If you don’t brush right away, the acid will react and erode the enamel of your teeth.

A Conclusion

It’s time to leave for the moment. I hope you are now aware of all the drawbacks to regularly consuming lemon water.

Every day, Healthkeet provides you with wellness advice. However, it’s also crucial to discuss food and nutrition with a health specialist. They can advise you and assist you in determining which diet is ideal for you.

Do you know that 90% of those who seek the advice of a nutritionist concur that doing so has improved their lives? After only a few weeks, they already feel lot better and happy.

Thankfully, Healthkeet now allows you to connect with a nutritionist right away. Utilize our website right now to find and connect with the best dietitians in your area.

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