Best Creams For Surgical Scars

We appreciate you reaching out to Health at Hand for scar.

The discomfort of having an itching scar on your back must be extreme. We can appreciate that it must be causing you a great deal of suffering because scars like this frequently lead to anxiety and interfere with sleep.

Washing the skin with a moisturising shower gel or bath additive is the best remedy. The skin won’t become dry as a result of this. Once the skin is clean and dry, apply and massage in a fragrance-free moisturising lotion or ointment. You’ll have to do this every day for a few months, or even longer. For deep scars that are difficult to treat, silicone-based gels and sheets can be very helpful.

It’s crucial to shield the scar from sunlight while it heals in order to keep it from turning dark and noticeable. Keep it covered for a year or longer is a good idea. If your back will be exposed to the sun, apply a sun block with an SPF of 35 or higher as an alternative.

An infected scar removal cream that is hot, itching, and painful may require medical attention from a doctor or prescribing nurse. Taking antihistamines can help to reduce irritation if the scars is only somewhat irritating. As a result, the cycle of itching and scratching is broken, aiding in infection prevention.

The details below are presented because we believe they could be useful to you.

What occurs if you get a cut or a wound, say after surgery?

The body heals itself after a cut to the skin. A scab forms right away after a skin break, sealing the opening and preventing infection. It is not a particularly robust layer.

The healing process begins from the inner layers of the skin and moves upwards once the scab has developed. A wound or cut heals in three stages.

The initial phase of inflammation

This is a normal reaction and the starting point for the blood vessels to constrict and clot. White blood cells, antibodies, and other vital nutrients can enter the area once the bleeding has stopped because the blood arteries dilate.


The stage of proliferation

In this stage, the collagen-containing granular tissue thickens to form new skin. A good source of oxygen and nutrients is just one of the requirements for healthy granulation tissue. It frequently seems uneven, is coloured pink, and is less likely to bleed. At this point, the wound’s appearance provides insight into whether the wound is healing properly or if it is infected.

The stage of maturation or remodelling

This completes the repair process. As some of the collagen dissolves during this stage, the scars flattens and softens. This process may take anywhere from 12 to 18 months to complete, or even longer in some circumstances.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that a cut or wound doesn’t heal in a straight line. The second and third phases can be repeated again. It can take some time for the wound to heal properly, from the deeper layers to the surface layers. If the wound just heals from the surface, the deeper layers may still be open, which will cause the wound to reopen. This is why it requires caution, patience.

A scar is what?

After a wound heals, a scars is an elevated patch of thickened skin that leaves a recognisable mark. The natural process of tissue regeneration includes scarring, in which the incision initially appears red but gradually takes on the appearance of normal skin. If you consistently massage and moisturise the scars, this process could take up to two years.

However, some scars don’t heal properly and can cover healthy skin, which can lead to issues. The two primary kinds of scars that are challenging to cure are:

  • A hypertrophic scars;
  • Keloid scars
  • A fibrotic scars

A hypertrophic scars typically develops when the dermis, the skin’s deeper layer, is injured. They develop when the body produces an excessive quantity of collagen while healing. Significant features of hypertrophic scars:

They can be irritating and have a red, elevated, and thick appearance.

They emerge three weeks after an injury or surgery and disappear normally one to two years afterwards.

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Typically, this kind of scars does not extend past the site of the original injury.

An keloid scar

On the other hand, a keloid scar tends to extend past the initial wounded or wound boundary. Additional techniques to recognise keloid scarring

They appear 3 to 12 months after the initial damage or surgical excision, once more as a result of a (much higher) excess of collagen that is formed at the wound site.

They can remain elevated and are unlikely to totally vanish, even though the majority will get prettier with time. Keloid scars are typically shiny, hairless, raised above the skin, hard and rubbery, and first red or purple before turning pale or dark.

They are often harmless but can develop into painful, tender, and itchy areas.

You mention that the procedure was performed a few months ago. As a result, it is challenging to identify the sort of scar you have at this time because it is still relatively new.

Medications to lessen scarring

The best way to avoid or minimise scarring is to keep the skin moisturised after the original wound has healed, which takes about 3 weeks. The smoothness and suppleness of the skin can also be recovered with the use of bath emollients and moisturisers.


Emollients are products that make the skin softer. When the skin is mending, it can occasionally become excessively dry and pucker. The skin may become dry and inflamed if you wash it with soap and water.

Emollients may be able to relax the scar and aid to stop this impact. The skin can be soothed, hydrated, and smoothed by using an emollient shower gel or bath oil. The effects are transient, thus to provide longer-lasting relief, the region must also be covered with a moisturising lotion or ointment.

  • Cream, lotion, or ointment with cetraben
  • Diprobase lotion or cream
  • Double-base lotion or cream
  • Epaderm cream
  • Hydromol ointment, E45 cream
  • Oilatum lotion.

Ointments and creams differ in that ointments tend to be oil-based and stay on the skin for longer periods of time, but they occasionally feel oily. On the other hand, since creams are water-based and have a tendency to rub into the skin nicely, they require more frequent reapplication but are simpler to use.


Items made of silicone gel

Silicone-based solutions have proven to be more helpful for deeper scars, such as the hypertrophic and keloid scars mentioned above. They aid in lowering scar elevation and pigmentation, which stops the scar from darkening.

Silica gel

You would need to dab a little amount of the silicone-based gel onto the scar and gently rub it in with your fingertips. For several months following surgery, massaging the site for roughly 10 minutes twice or three times each day will help to remove the scar tissue.

The following silicone gels have been approved for use in the UK: Bapscarcare, 

  • Ciltech,
  • Dermatix,
  • Kelo-Cote UV,
  • Kelo-Cote gel,
  • Kelo-Cote spray,
  • NewGel+E,
  • ScarSil,
  • Silgel STC-SE.

Why would I rub the scars? Is it actually required?

The healing process for wounds is always evolving, as was already established. The wound can withstand pressure three weeks following surgery. It is possible to promote wound healing and restore smooth, supple skin with the usual range of motion and elasticity by gently massaging the scar.


After the healing process, it is typical for scars to feel itchy. This itching can linger for several months but can be controlled with antihistamine therapy. If there is no accompanying discomfort and the wound is not hot or throbbing, we advise that you take an antihistamine tablet or capsule. As we previously mentioned, using antihistamines can assist to reduce itching. This will subsequently cease the cycle of itching and scratching and help avoid infection.

Which antihistamine should you pick?

You can purchase a variety of antihistamine tablets from the pharmacy, a grocery store, or even a drug store. Here, we weigh the benefits and drawbacks of some of the most often used OTC medications to assist you in making your decision. Your neighbourhood pharmacist will be pleased to assist if you would like additional details on all the possibilities.

Other therapies

Since you inquired about creams to relieve the itch brought on by your scar, we have concentrated on them in this article. However, you can learn more about a variety of additional scar treatment options, some of which are accessible privately and on the NHS, by clicking the following link.

Next actions

To rule out any concomitant infection or eczema, we advise you to visit your doctor before utilising any of the aforementioned products if they haven’t recently examined the scar.

  • If your doctor feels it is necessary, he or she may advise you to use a steroid cream.
  • If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Healthkeet.

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