6 Effective Home Remedies For Trigeminal Neuralgia Relief

Trigeminal nerve is the one that starts at the top of the ear and later separates into the eye, cheek, and jaw. Trigeminal neuralgia is the condition that begins in the trigeminal nerve. Usually this pain starts on one side of the face.

What does trigeminal neuralgia pain feel like?

The discomfort arising from trigeminal neuralgia stands apart from facial pain triggered by other issues. Frequently characterized as sharp and piercing to an electric sensation, it reaches an intensity where individuals affected by it find eating or drinking unpleasant. The sensation swiftly spreads from the facial region within moments, though as the condition advances, the distress might increase just in minutes.

What are the significant signs and symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia?

The most common signs and symptoms include:

  • Sudden attack of sharp, shooting pain that can last for about seconds to minutes
  • Usually a pain that feels like a strong electric shock.
  • Pain that is felt between jaws, teeth, or cheek
  • You will not feel any pain between episodes.
  • You will find the same pattern of pain in every episode.
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If you are experiencing any of these symptoms seek facial nerve pain treatment in Coimbatore to relieve pain.

What are the activities that may trigger the trigeminal neuralgia pain?

Trigeminal neuralgia pain can begin with even the smallest activities. The activities include:

  • Swallowing
  • Head movements
  • Chewing
  • Laughing or smiling
  • Washing the face
  • Talking
  • Strong breeze on the face

What are the 6 best home remedies to manage trigeminal neuralgia pain?

Apply gentle pressure on the painful side:

Certain individuals claim that even a gentle current of air has the potential to incite trigeminal pain, yet exerting pressure on the impacted area brings about alleviation from the symptoms. Effective outcomes can be achieved by firmly pressing the affected region using your entire hand.

Put hot or cold compress on the affected area:

The best way to relieve the pain is to use hot or cold compress on the side you are experiencing pain. Put a hot or cold press on the affected area to relieve the pain. You can use a simple hot pack or even a warm cloth to apply pressure. Similarly for cold packs you can use an ice pack to apply pressure on the affected area. Shifting between hot and cold packs can give relief.

Understand the cause of pain:

There are few choices for treating trigeminal pain because it is caused in a nerve, and in the traditional system, doctors will recommend surgery to relieve pain. To get relief, you must first determine the source of the discomfort and then try to adjust your diet. Eating a balanced diet and having an active lifestyle are also excellent natural pain relievers.

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Get to know the triggers that is causing pain:

Identifying the triggers can help in reducing the severity of a painful episode. To get relief from painful episodes it is important to avoid triggers. Usually people may experience pain due to activities like laughing or even a mild touch on the face. If you can identify these triggers, avoiding them can help in preventing the pain.

Applying ginger:

Ginger oil contains a specific component called the zingibain, which is widely known for its anti-inflammatory properties and also helps in calming the inflammation. Applying ginger oil helps in giving relief to a painful episode.


Leading a mindful life helps in calming the pain. Like performing meditation everyday can help in controlling the pain. Results may not show overnight but it can start after a few days or months of practice.

What are the procedures to diagnose trigeminal neuralgia?

To rule out other causes of facial pain, a full physical examination and extensive medical history are required for diagnosing trigeminal neuralgia.

Although there is no definite way to diagnose trigeminal neuralgia. But there are a few diagnostic procedures that may help.

What are the treatment options for trigeminal neuralgia?

There are various effective ways to treat the condition, few most common trigeminal neuralgia treatment options include medications and surgery.

What are the complications that may follow if trigeminal neuralgia is not managed or treated?

If trigeminal neuralgia is not effectively treated, the pain can be extremely severe and can be mentally and physically draining. This severe pain may also lead to depression and anxiety in majority individuals. Continuous episodes of trigeminal pain can lead to numbness on the side of the affected face.

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Can trigeminal neuralgia pain get worse over time?

It very certainly can. Initially, the discomfort may be localized to the jaw, leading some people with this illness to believe they have a simple dental problem. However, the disease can worsen over time, to the point where the pain-free intervals between every episode can only shorten, sometimes to the point where they are nonexistent.It very certainly can. Initially, the discomfort may be localized to the jaw, leading some people with this illness to believe they have a simple dental problem. However, the situation might deteriorate over time.

Important Takeaway:

Trigeminal neuralgia is not life-threatening, it produces discomfort and worry, which can have a negative impact on a patient’s quality of life. A person may experience feelings of overwhelm and isolation at times. Caring for one’s mental health, interacting with others, and practicing self-care can all help to maintain one’s quality of life. Reach out to a pain management center in Coimbatore if you are looking for trigeminal neuralgia treatment.

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